Sunday, March 2, 2008

Datasheet Report:

Datasheet Report

LHI878 - LHi 878 Standard Dual Element Detector

Human and animal emitte infraed light which range is 9.4uM.
The LHi 878 can detect 8~14uM infraed light.

The LHi 878 pyroelectric infrared-detector series are the standard dual element design recommended for all variants of motion control. They include a dual element pyro-electric ceramic with FET in source follower connection. The LHi 878 is available as TO-5 housing with standard infrared filter. It provides for high responsivity with excellent common mode performance (match). RF improved options are available.

D- supply a voltage to 'Drain'
s - get the signal from the 'Source' which require a load resistor which is recommended to 47 kohm
g - supply GND

*how work*

click the image

How can I work with this sensor at Arduino?
Do I have to make some citcuit or something?

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